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March 2016



Car Loan with Disability or Social Security income

Written by , Posted in Tips


Even if you have good credit and committed people, getting approved for car loan can be tough.

If all or just some of your income comes from disability or social security payments it’s even harder if you have bad credit.

The reason is because disability in security incomes cannot be garnished, meaning that if the borrower receives disability for so security income defaults on his car loan the lender cannot go out to that particular income source in order to pay off the deficiency.

Loan balance, because of this things, are cautious when considering applicants with either disability or so security income.

However there’re at least two situations in which a typical bad credit lender might consider an applicant with the sources of income: Ration of bad credit such as a medical issue as opposed to habitual back credit such as a history like payment will also increase your chances of an approval.

Now we learned how we can get loans even in those particular bad credit situations.

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